#YesNo (“Do you care?”)

Step By Step PDF of how to build a “Yes/No” custom buttons display with a Raspberry Pi Pico, 2 x Custom Made Buttons & 2x7segment 4 digit LED backbacks

We have uploaded a PDF of the steps to build a “Yes/No” Custom Button + LED Digit displays on a raspberry Pi Pico , with step by step guide on how to make the custom wooden buttons, and the easy implementation of the adafruit_ht16k33 library for the LED Backpacks.

You can also download the zip file of the code  here.


Step By Step PDF of how to build an “Optimistic Oracle” with a tiny2040, PIR & speaker / Amp.

We have uploaded a PDF of the steps to build an “OptimisticOracle” using a pimoroni Tiny2040 a PIR sensros & a Speaker / Amp.

You can also download the zip file of the code & supporting MP3s here.

The Optimistic Oracle giving out helpful predictions for a fairer & healthier future for all.
Inspired by Sam Bentley’s Good News Feed